Top Finisher Prizes/Award Ceremony

You MUST race in the Competitive Division to receive Awards.
The Award Ceremony will take place between 10:30 – 11:00 am at Artist Point (or Heather Meadows Cafe if inclement weather).
The top three of each division (female and male) will receive a custom medal at the award ceremony. Please note that in order for us to present awards in each gendered age group, we require a minimum of 5 racers:

AGES 18-29
AGES 30-39
AGES 40-49
AGES 50-59
AGES 60+
AGES 70+


Our 2025 Voler Jersey order is now open. Order before July 28th to receive by race day. Shorts (limited sizes) will be available for sale at packet pickup and on race day.

Ready to ride?

Race day is September 14th, 2025.